The Collaborative Exchange

The Collaborative Exchange

Event branding & visual design for a financial forum

The Investment Forum for the Collaborative Exchange

The Investment Forum, facilitated by The Collaborative Exchange, is an esteemed two-day conference for investment managers and financial professionals.

The event branding challenge

2020 marked The Investment Forum’s ten-year anniversary and this decade of expertise needed to be highlighted, along with the theme of the 2020 conference: The New World (Dis)Order.

The type-driven design solution

A decade of expertise deserves its own logo design, so that’s where we started, by enhancing The Investment Forum’s existing logo with a “10 Years of Insights” tagline.
The New World (Dis)Order theme also received its own typographic and visual treatment. It was a distillation of The Investment Forum’s corporate identity (CI), a metaphorical interpretation of the theme, and current design trends.

The results

Every aspect of the conference showcased the theme and new logo, from advertising to the bannerwalls and cocktail tables, right down to the agenda.

You might not think that directors, board members and senior managers of esteemed financial institutions rave about events, but that’s just what they did after The Investment Forum 2020.

Event branding & logo design


Design & customer experience
Corporate identity
Digital design
Digital advertising
User interface design
Amorphous Case Study Collaborative Exchange
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Amorphous Case Study Collaborative Exchange